Not so Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy VII

Not so Final Fantasy- Final Fantasy VII 
Title: Final Fantasy VII 
Initial Release date: 31st January 1997 (it's old innit) 
Platforms: PC (played), PS1, IOS, Android, PSP, PlayStation store.  
To be honest I've probably missed something; it's on a lot of things, ok? 

And to mention soon there's gonna be a remaster which I'm totally gonna play. But, alas it's not out yet so I can't yet. Apparently; it's also going to be episodic which I can see working, although not really optimal. Originally on PS1 the game was on three discs, so in my opinion if the remaster is in three long parts then it could work. FUN FACT: the reason this game is not on a Nintendo console like the others was because the game was so big and Nintendo is Nintendo and refused to switch to a disc based system that could fit the game on. Anyhow. 

I recently learned that I actually quite like JRPG games and turn based games quite a lot. I learnt this thanks to the lovely Humble Bundle (I am not sponsored or partnered with them in any way, I just really like what they do). If you did not know they do a service called Humble Monthly which is like Loot Crate but with games. Last month a game I played a lot of was The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky” for those who don't know it is a turn based JRPG and I enjoyed it for seventeen hours (then the story started boring me). At this time I started to also play Final Fantasy XV and am currently still loving it thirty hours in so I decided that I wanted to try all the Final Fantasy games. (Ok, so maybe not EVERY one but at least most the main ones and good side ones like tactics). I thought long and hard about where to start; obviously I know none of the main stories are connected so I could start anywhere. Ultimately I decided why not start with the one everyone talks about and the one where I had already seen that one bit with a certain character dying, I assumed I would be disappointed and underwhelmed, so I started with VII (that and also it was the cheapest on the store). 
But seriously I want to play the remake now.

Ok, let's get the obvious part out of the way. This game was made for the PS1, that being said, there are actually better looking PS1 games in my opinion. That aside, the backgrounds and the and environments are amazingly done; not just with how they look but with the whole mixture of fantasy along side SCI-FI mostly because I can never decide which i prefer. The monsters that are found throughout the game, I think are very well done. I mean who doesn't want to fight a giant monster house? The actual characters in-game look... Well... Spiky? Although, like I said it was on PS1. However, one problem I have is that the characters in-game don't look right when put against the backgrounds, it did put me off a bit; although, what you gonna do? The last thing I wanna say is the cutscenes are pretty good, for the time I mean, they remind me kind of like "The Longest Journey" (which if you don't know is one of my favorite games, so I don't think I need to say anymore). Except I want to mention that there's no voice acting, which is fine, however in the last cutscene there's obviously still no voice acting but the characters still move their mouths, which really put me off, I honestly thought my game was broken and there actually was voice acting.  
If you've played a turn based Final Fantasy before then you'll probably know what to expect, (unless you weren't paying attention). That being said there is something in the game I did not enjoy, which is weird because it is kind of a main mechanics in many JRPGs and I like them, I do not like random encounters. I do not like walking and suddenly being in a fight, I actually started getting really annoyed when I just wanted to explore and find out where I needed to go but kept getting confused about where I was and had been because of all the random enemies getting in my way. Apart from that, it's Final Fantasy y'know? 

To be honest, I don't really want to talk about the story too much simply because: I don't like giving spoilers unless I have to and because this is a Final Fantasy game so of course the plot is quite convoluted and if I tried to make a synopsis I'd just make it even more confusing. But basically (because I like going back on things I say) the plot is you're Cloud, a not as mopey as portrayed in other forms of media Cloud, that joins a resistance group that's going against the Meanie-Bo-Beanie corporation; the average you know? That's all I really wanna say cause it doesn't get convoluted straight away but it doesn't take too long to be honest. 

All in all I really like this game and even though I had some points where I got so frustrated that I didn't always want to continue but I feel like the story wanted me to keep going. Obviously I'm not saying this is the best Final Fantasy because I have not played them all and I honestly think that the other ones (that I am totally going to play) will be just as good if not better.

Being literally stabbed in the back while Van Halen with a sword that is way too long for anyone to use/10

(What I was referencing FYI SPOILERS )

As an update: streams are on hiatus for the time being as I have no way to stream with a stable connection without dropping frames constantly so I will be trying as hard as possible to get that sorted out. 
Like I said in the writing I will be playing as many Final Fantasy games as I can, as long as I remain interested of course, whether I actually write a review for each one though,  simply do not know. we will see in time.


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